Looking forward to your NYT best seller when all these articles are combined.

I grew up in Silicon Valley, worked in Tech from mind-80's-2020 and had no idea of the depth of History in the Valley.

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Former DepSecDef Bob Work used to cite the First and Second Offset chapter and verse when outlining the Third Offset Strategy (centered on autonomous and AI, plus smaller/smarter/swarming/networked/nimble/human-machine teaming etc.). The Pentagon is a funny place, however (as in Joe Pesci "funny how?" kind of funny). Once a new administration took over and Bob Work left, the Third Offset Strategy vocabulary was no longer in vogue. Yet it continues to unfold largely as he originally envisioned. With China continually trying to out-offset our offset.

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Fascinating read, Steve! It's incredible to learn about these details.

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